The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
The Teaching Coach is a platform to help teachers, leaders and support staff by providing a range of quality pastoral, teaching and career resources.
You will find a host of resources here from form times and assemblies through to interview prep, application letters, professional development and guidance. Not to mention, lessons, schemes of work and learning resources.
If you can't see what you need, you can email me at:
This worksheet is designed to be used with students to help them reflect on their anxiety and to manage feelings of anxiety also.
The tasks are not designed to be completed in any specific order. Students may complete in whatever order they like.
This works well with my other ‘check in’ boards on emotional wellbeing and self esteem. These can be found in my TES shop.
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This resource contains 4 pdfs of desk planners - each with a different motivational quote.
This are designed to be printed in A3 - but can be used in A4 also.
These have been created with the role of Head of Year in mind and using my experience of the role.
There is space for:
a to do list - urgent and for later
a phone call list
space to quick plan lessons for the current day and the following
space for weekly planning
a ‘remember to print section’
Please let me know if you find these useful.
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This resource contains 4 pdfs of desk planners - each with a different motivational quote.
This are designed to be printed in A3 - but can be used in A4 also.
These have been created with the role of Head of Year in mind and using my experience of the role.
There is space for:
a to do list - urgent and for later
a phone call list s
space to quick plan lessons for the current day and the following
space for weekly planning
a ‘remember to print section’
Please let me know if you find these useful.
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English Subject Department Calendar Key Dates | UK 2025
This resource contains a list of key dates which English staff or a Head of Department may want to note for teaching
This resource includes:
a 3 page PDF split into months and dates along with a brief suggestion for what to do on the date/week/month
a PDF containing recommended texts linking to each of the days/weeks/months on the calendar - links by theme
Note: this is not necessarily exhaustive but is an extensive list of key dates for your calendar!
In this resource, you will find a detailed guide for answering a parental concern letter when presented as an in-tray task at a pastoral leader interview. This is a common task on pastoral interviews and is usually under timed conditions!
This includes an example letter and a detailed breakdown of how to answer this type of letter. This also includes lots of top tips for completing this task and how to structure your letter.
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This resource is Set 2 of potential Head of Year or Head of House interview questions. This includes another 17 key questions you are likely to be asked on a Head of Year or pastoral Middle Leader interview.
The list is, of course, not definitive, but the questions are based on experiences in 3 successful interviews for Head of Year posts.
Please leave a review if you find them useful or would like more questions.
You can also find set 1 and set 2 of these questions on my shop - separately or as a bundle.
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This resource is Set 1 of potential Head of Year or Head of House interview questions and includes 15 key questions you are likely to be asked on a Head of Year or pastoral middle leader interview.
The list is, of course, not definitive, but the questions are based on experiences in 3 successful interviews for Head of Year posts.
You can find the bundle of more interview questions here:
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In this document you will find an attendance action plan. This includes split the year group into waves and plan actions for each wave of poor attendance.
It includes the actions that should be taken from 100% attendance-90% and includes priorities to be completed by a pastoral leader. It also includes a comment about monitoring and how attendance should be monitored alongside this plan.
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This spreadsheet is designed to be used to track attendance for a year group.
It is set up into three sheets.
The first is for tracking attendance year to date and tracking weekly attendance as well.
The second is set up to track the multiple interventions which you may use to try and raise attendance.
The final is for tracking attendance rewards to ensure your rewards are well distributed.
The first sheet is conditionally formatted - this means that the sheet will change colour depending on the % of attendance inputted. This will give you a visual overview of any students who are concern.
All of the sheets have been set up to filter - so you can easily find a student name or see who has had rewards etc.
Please leave a review if you find this useful.
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This resource is an attendance interview/action plan template.
It includes space for student/parent and staff to discuss attendance issues and space to write up agreed short and long term strategies.
It also includes space for three final targets and a space to review targets.
It also contains space to write current attendance, previously used interventions and a space for parent/staff/student signatures.
Great as a part of an intervention for poor attendance.
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This resource is a ‘behaviour reflection board’. This worksheet can be used to encourage students to reflect on their behaviour and to consider influences on their behaviour, their dislikes and likes as well as their triggers and how the believe they are best motivated.
This is designed to be completed by students individually or in groups and students be used to help plan a course of action. It can be paired with a behaviour action plan to share with staff as well as a behaviour contract.
I’d love to know if you find this useful.
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This resource is a detailed individual behaviour plan for students.
This is intended to be completed with students and parents/carers if possible also.
Its contents can then be shared with staff to help improve behaviour around school.
This particular plan includes sections on:
influence and motivations
triggers and warning signs
what good will look like and how we we’ll know we’ve been successfully
a review section
parent/student/staff signature section
key stats log
This can be paired with a behaviour contract - which can be found in my TES shop.
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In this resource, you will find 20 questions you might be asked on a teaching interview.
These are based on experience of several teaching interviews as well as additional research.
You can find more of these questions in a bargain bundle here:
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This resources include another 20 questions you may be asked on a teaching interview.
You can find this in a bundle with 40 other questions here:
Please ensure you follow me on: for more resources.
This resources includes final 16 questions you may be asked on a teaching interview.
You can find this in a bargain bundle with other questions:
Please ensure you follow me on: for more resources.
In this resource you will find a two page lesson plan template and evaluation template.
The lesson plan is detailed and thorough and includes space for lesson context, class context, a starter activity, 4 main activities and 2 plenaries - both mid and end point.
This also includes space for you to consider differentiation, stretch and challenge, resourcing and how the lesson will ‘stick’ in student minds.
In the evaluation section, there is space for comments on 7 questions to help you assess the lesson and plan for next time.
This resource includes both the PDF file which cannot be edited and the original PPT file, in case you’d like to edit for your own use.
This lesson plan is not subject specific and can be used by any teacher. However, it is ideal for NQTs and RQTs to become familar with assessing and planning lessons in detail. It is also great for use in interview!
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This resource includes 60 different plenaries for use in a lesson – they are generic and can be used in any subject. Plus, in the accompanying document you will find the templates I reference also.
This is a great resource to dip into and to find useful and generic plenaries which you can tailor to your lessons to check learning and understanding.
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In this resource, you will find an editable lesson plan template.
This template includes space for you to outline the plan of your lesson, how you will support the abilities in the lesson as well as space to plan your plenary, homework and review the lesson also.
This is a great tool for any teacher - new or experienced!
This resource is a PDF template for form time quality assurance.
It includes a tick box column for key aspects of form time including:
student behaviours
literacy and numeracy + speaking skills
behaviour and enviroment
student stretch and support
It also includes an area for strengths and areas for development as well as space for comments.
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This resource contains 3 pages of advice for new heads of year or heads of house.
This includes top tips for the role and answers to key questions which are frequently asked by new pastoral staff.
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